الثلاثاء، 22 ديسمبر 2009
الأحد، 13 ديسمبر 2009
Eugine the Librarian
"A 37 year old man shows everyone who he is with a bit of comedy humor and poetry. He might look and sound weird and walk weird. But so look what the final eding turns out ot be!"
ما رأيك ؟
الخميس، 3 ديسمبر 2009
مطلوب موزعون معتمدون...
ان رأيت في نفسك القدرة على تسويق هذه السلع و اردت كسب بعض الاجر ...
الاخلاق النبيلة
الصداقة الوفية
عدم الشك
المشاعر الصادقة
لا تتردد ان كنت ترغب في ترويج هذه السلع ... و اتصل بنا حالا الان و بسرعة
مع تحيات المؤسسة
الاثنين، 16 نوفمبر 2009
خبرشة ... ازدحام
الثلاثاء، 10 نوفمبر 2009
I broke My IPhone
woke up ... heard a sound of a crashing glass.!؟
Ohh I opened my eye and I found that the IPhone screen is crashed ,,, OMG what is that how did it happen it was all Crashed,,, and a hole in its glass
I tried to touch it to make sure dose it still working?,,, responding?... touched it. it responded,, I smiled .. and said to my self oh may be I still can use it ..
Then it turned off. I was thinking when I will buy a new on cos I am sure this one cant be fixed.... ever
I moved out the bed ... went where my computer are... tried to make something.. do something ... what am I supposed to do now ?
Its gone ,,,, no more chat on the go ,,,, no more mails on the go ,,,no more blogs on the go… its gone
Its all over,,, but then .. i started watching TV ... forget about it .. was sure i will get a new one ,,,
This one is .. Gone with all the things inside
No one asked me about it ... no one wanted to know if I am feeling good. Or i am upset.
Its there it was broken ,,,
Suddenly,,, a headache ... felt tired ,,, I need to ,,, do something about it ,,,
i need to move...
Finally I decided to wake up ,,, from this bad dream ,,,
And I did wake up!
Checked my IPhone… it was .. Safe and sound
There is still things to do… ON THE GO
الخميس، 5 نوفمبر 2009
انه التقشعر في التحسس التمددي داخل النفوس التحسدية لدى الازمنة التقاعدية عندما تنكفئ التدخليات على جدران التجاذبيات المادية ، وهي تؤدي الى تحسس اللاشعوريات الايجابية لدى التشخصيات التوهمية .
لذلك كان يجب علينا تفحص تصغيرات الامور التجاذبية قبل الذهاب للتحمم فلا تحاول التحبب من دون ان تستعمل التعقل وتقود التمدد التحفري في تعمقيات النفسيات التجلدية عن طريق تسمع الكلمات التجرحية التي تحفر داخل اعماق التشخصيات الهيبوقراطية المبداء
فلما كان البيولوجيون العالميون يتفقهون في تحفوريات معنوية الجوانب السلبية ، اصبح لابد من تلمم الواقعيات التقشعرية
هذا كل ما اود ان استعلمكم به
ارجو ان تكون قد فهمت تلملميات المعنويات المقصودية للموضوعيات المكتوبية في الاعلويات الصفحية
لست اعلم بالتحديد ما الذي دفعني الى كتابة هذه الكلمات ... التي اذكر ما المعنى منها تحديدا ... ربما تظهر وكانها لا معنى لها ولكنها ليست كذلك ...
الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2009
السبت، 17 أكتوبر 2009
Thank you!
It's something you expect when you help someone or you give hand or serve someone
It makes you feel appreciated…
And what you have done is accepted
Fill you up with energy to do more
And that shows how polite are the people you're dealing with
It's a good thing...
It's all fine.
But when you thank your self?!!
No one can thank him self for something he done for him selfit can't be!!
No way it can be done right?
Yes it's something not normal at all
cos you don't have to thank your self its you, your selfno thanking between you and your self
No thank you
Don't ever thank your self any more
cos its your self
Thank you...No
الاثنين، 5 أكتوبر 2009
البنك الدولي للاعتذار
من الان فصاعدا لا تحمل هم تصريف الاعتذارات الموجهة اليك ، فمصرفنا دائما يحرص على خدمة الانسان المتضرر من جراء الاعتذار وما يليه من مسامحة ،
فلن تحتاج للتساؤل بعد اليوم عندما يقول لك شخص انا اسف وتقول له ... وين انصرفها ...
العملات المتداولة لدى البنك الدولي للاعتذار
نادم = 0.00002$
مش قصدي = 0.00000001 $
معليش = 0.000000005 $
عشان خاطري = 00.000000000 $
اعتذر = سحبت من السوق نهائيا
عفوا = للاسف لم تعد تساوي شيئا
سنكون سعداء جدا بتقديم خدماتنا لكم و ارضائكم فانتم اهم عنصر في الحياة ... وقيمتكم لا تقدر بثمن
ويهمنا ان تكون للاعتذارات قيمة ...
من ماضي مذكرتي ... 1993
الثلاثاء، 1 سبتمبر 2009
Spare friend?
Have you ever been a spare friend?
yes a spare friend its like the spare tire it won't be needed till one of the originals go down or blow then you use it till you repair that one then you hide the spare cos you may need it again some other time.
Being a spare friend doesn’t feel like the tire cos it has no feeling about what happening and if it dose.
Then will prefer to rest and work part times
but humans?
I had this feeling when I was a spare for some.
Yes better than nothing spare helps and fill the space.
Other was the plan for them but when he changed his plan I came in and they all came as it’s the plan
You feel like you shouldn't accept it but you didn’t know it at first
You just got the lesson and knew who is who!
It’s strange how humans can think this way.
What would you do?
I didn’t keep it inside I told them and I did it my way.
tried to pretend but they couldn’t cos it was clear
It’s not a good feeling to feel like a spare friend and you are not needed till one of the friends is absent or busy and maybe away some where
It’s not a true friendship any way
Each one of us acts with his behavior and originality.
Spare friend. ? !
Don't you ever be!
Experiences ...
الثلاثاء، 11 أغسطس 2009
They have a way of living in this group of people and they maintained it no matter what
If you can you have to walk this way
if you cant you have to walk this way
What a way of understanding life?!!
Is there any thing that one should do exactly the way every one is doing it?
Why people chose the hard way to walk while they can walk it better and easy safe way?
Is it the brain?Is it the mind?Is it the need?
nop non of it all cos when you think about it nothing like thinking ,
Things people do should make life easy
Not make their life harder and more complicated
Hell of traditions.
I have no need of such thingsI have enough.
I welcome what ever makes my life easier and better
Not to ads more weight on my shoulders
Too short to be wasted in unnecessary traditions and unneeded things
I like the traditions that shows the good sides of the humans
Traditions that set the standards of the high level for the human behavior
The right things the good things
Then as we speak, I'm nothing like traditional
I am traditional
الأربعاء، 22 يوليو 2009
لا نريد الديمقراطية ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
الديمقراطية ... لم تطبق قط كما طبقت عند المسلمين الاوائل ... ولم تطبق وحدية يتيمة ... بل كان اساسها العدل ...
فما بعد ديمقراطية الحبيب المصطفى و سيدنا ابو بكر و عمر ...
سيدنا عمر الذي ردت عليه احدى النساء قرارا اتخذه و قال في حينه اخطاء عمر و اصابت هي ...
تلك ديمقراطية عادلة ...
وما الذي يتحجج به الغرب الان هو انهم سيجلبون الديمقراطية الى العالم؟
لا نريد الديمقراطية التي يتحدثون عنها بان نكون كالبطاريات نعمل لتشتغل التهم الكبيرة ...
بل نريد العدل في العالم اسره ...
الاثنين، 20 يوليو 2009
Words.. came to my mind
trying to have what we can't reach makes us helpless and distorted
thinking of what we can't do disables our capabilities to do any thing we can
searching for help to do things we are able to do easily stack us in positions we hate to be in
commenting on others work the way we hate to be commented on ours
loosing values we struggle to have for things we try hardly to avoid
loving a life that we cant get more than we love our life, resulting to loosing both live
sacrifice is the word we proudly say and cowardly hide when its time
love is the feeling we always need and look for but its the responsibility we are afraid of
we can't live without a social life but we can't take the pressure of the social needs
we know we will die and its cretin but we are afraid to die as much as we love the life
using (me) more than (you) results a society like we are in, we love me more than we appreciate you and you will come when me is helpless and in need for you ,,,
we are living in a mans world that every thing he dose and struggle for goes to the benefit of the women
feeling lonely is better than feeling bored. of the crowd
having fun for us like the water for the fish
too much of something is not good as nothing of any thing
waiting is better then losing witch is better than cheating
sometimes for most of the time we are disabled cant think of many things critical for our life leaving it all behind
feelings inside our heart grow like a tree but our feelings doesn't grow fruits it grow love and hate depending on the feeding of the heart
hate,,, the most used feeling among dump people
making things available for our selves is the most hard job in the world
non of the things I wrote in here has been prepared or studied it just came to my mind the way I
wrote them and I don't know why i did wrote it :)
Life is a lesson. you learn it when you thru.
inside the page
الأربعاء، 15 يوليو 2009
الأحد، 12 يوليو 2009
waiting ... is a part of the job
no wasn't at all,,but it was a call of duty,,,
Any way I accepted a transportation job,,,
But let me talk about something else hereI decided to take a tour around till they call. Started my engine and head to...!
No sorry a customer,! NOW?I kill you (didn't discover that till I answered the call) :-( ok!
and ,,,
still silence ,,,!
no stop driving its enough no more till the job Is done,
Ok. Write something
Oh ok, but wait, I am writing!
hhh oh yes you are ... finish it then @&$
ok ok I'm done :)almost,,,
Transportation job ,,, free of charge ;)
There should be a contract right?
Now tell me you,,, what are you doing now,,,
To do something special,
Ok in the next job,
No there will be no next job its done I quit,,,
Phone ring!!
What a part of a job ;)
In the waiting,,
Inside the page
Life is a lesson. You learn it when you thru.
الجمعة، 10 يوليو 2009
خربشة ... عشوائية
الأحد، 5 يوليو 2009
خربشة ... قرصان
الثلاثاء، 30 يونيو 2009
الأحد، 28 يونيو 2009
الجاهلية ... !!
السبت، 27 يونيو 2009
خربشة .. الصرخة
الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2009
خربشة الكترونية اخرى
كم مضى على بداية الحرب؟
وكم مات فيها حتى الان؟
لا يهم فكل مشروع يجب له من رأس مال وخسائر :)
تذكرت تلك الحادثة التي اهتز لها العالم (في النمسا) حينما اكتشف الرجل الذي حبس ابنته وانجب منها اطفالا ،، ذلك الحدث الشنيع ...
في رأيكم ... اغتصاب فتاة واحدة وانجاب سعبة اطفال من وادلها هي الكارثة امم اغتصاب الالاف و قتل الالاف و تشريد وحرق و تدمير حياة الالاف؟
لماذا لا يتعاطف الناس مع ما يحدث هناك كما تعاطف مع تلك الفتاة؟ و ان تكلمنا بصيغة الارقام لنقل ان تلك الفتاة تساوي عشرة الاف قتيل او مغتصبة من العراق و افغانستان ! وماذا عن الباقي؟
ام ان "الطهقة انطفأت" و اخذ الامر شرته و انتهى...
نعم لا بأس اذا
هي خربشة اخرى
الأحد، 21 يونيو 2009
خربشة ... بدمعة
الاثنين، 15 يونيو 2009
Here it comes
I can see it coming.
oh yes finally its here I needed it so bad
Welcome. I was waiting for you long a go.
You came just in time I was about to collapse. But now you're here.
Thank you.
Hey wait!! Where you going??
Why you passing me I need you. I want,,, I have to.Please give me some! can't stay this way no more.
Why you'r doing this to me I saw you and you where there then you disappeared!!
I need you so bad...
Why you running from me? why !?
If you don't come to me you know what gone happen. When one doesn't taste you for long
you know that!
so Please come. To me
let me have your taste for a while
tell me ... What makes you run from me?
Do they took you from me?
Did they told you not to pass by and check on me ?
How much I need you ... you have no idea?
no. I don't believe you no one can ask you to do this
Or did they?
Come to me please
Sleep: how can I come to you while your mind is busy thinking of every thing and every one?
Stop doing this and I will come to you and you will have enough of me
I'm sleepless...
الأربعاء، 10 يونيو 2009
خربشة الكترونية ...
وعلي اي حال فهي خربشة قديمة جدا ...
الثلاثاء، 9 يونيو 2009
No reason needed
You go to a restaurant ask for foodand they ask you
Tired need a sleep going to bed to have the sleep you need ,
You need the bathroom
Feel sick and reach for a doctor
No reason needed to blink your eye
So why we ask for reasons for many naturel things, things each one of us allowed to do with no reasoning and no one has to question us about it?
Why looking for a reason for the things that need no reason to be done
السبت، 6 يونيو 2009
خربشة ... اخرى
الثلاثاء، 2 يونيو 2009
أكثر من مجرد لعبة لشخصين ...
السبت، 30 مايو 2009
Chit chat... with a little boy
the boy was about 5 years old
it was a very short conversation but it gave me an idea about the way he lives and the values he grow up with
do u accept this?
الخميس، 28 مايو 2009
خربشة ... رابعة
مليئة بالخربشات هذه الصورة و الخطوط المحددة لملامح الشخصية
كانت تجربة جديدة ان اقوم بمثل هذا في ذلك الوقت ... ولا اجد لها تعليقا الان ... الا انها احدى الخربشات من تلك الايام
اعتقد بانني رأيت هذا الوجه على احدى العملات التي كنت اجمعها
وهي عملة مجرية ورقية ...
من هناك جاء رسم هذا الوجه ... حسبما اذكر ...
صدقا لا اعرف اين اختفت تلك المجموعة مع اني اذكر اهتمامي بها ووضعها في البومات خاصة بها ...
لا يبقى مع الريح من الرمال شيئ...