من كل شي شوية ... لما كنت انخبرش زمان ... وتوة ... خرابيش

الأربعاء، 22 يوليو 2009

لا نريد الديمقراطية ...

By 4:32 ص

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

الديمقراطية ... لم تطبق قط كما طبقت عند المسلمين الاوائل ... ولم تطبق وحدية يتيمة ... بل كان اساسها العدل ...
فما بعد ديمقراطية الحبيب المصطفى و سيدنا ابو بكر و عمر ...

سيدنا عمر الذي ردت عليه احدى النساء قرارا اتخذه و قال في حينه اخطاء عمر و اصابت هي ...

تلك ديمقراطية عادلة ...

وما الذي يتحجج به الغرب الان هو انهم سيجلبون الديمقراطية الى العالم؟

لا نريد الديمقراطية التي يتحدثون عنها بان نكون كالبطاريات نعمل لتشتغل التهم الكبيرة ...

بل نريد العدل في العالم اسره ...

أكمل قراءة الموضوع...

الاثنين، 20 يوليو 2009

Words.. came to my mind

By 5:30 م

trying to have what we can't reach makes us helpless and distorted

thinking of what we can't do disables our capabilities to do any thing we can

searching for help to do things we are able to do easily stack us in positions we hate to be in

commenting on others work the way we hate to be commented on ours

loosing values we struggle to have for things we try hardly to avoid

loving a life that we cant get more than we love our life, resulting to loosing both live

sacrifice is the word we proudly say and cowardly hide when its time

love is the feeling we always need and look for but its the responsibility we are afraid of

we can't live without a social life but we can't take the pressure of the social needs

we know we will die and its cretin but we are afraid to die as much as we love the life

using (me) more than (you) results a society like we are in, we love me more than we appreciate you and you will come when me is helpless and in need for you ,,,

we are living in a mans world that every thing he dose and struggle for goes to the benefit of the women

feeling lonely is better than feeling bored. of the crowd

having fun for us like the water for the fish

too much of something is not good as nothing of any thing

waiting is better then losing witch is better than cheating

sometimes for most of the time we are disabled cant think of many things critical for our life leaving it all behind

feelings inside our heart grow like a tree but our feelings doesn't grow fruits it grow love and hate depending on the feeding of the heart

hate,,, the most used feeling among dump people

making things available for our selves is the most hard job in the world

non of the things I wrote in here has been prepared or studied it just came to my mind the way I

wrote them and I don't know why i did wrote it :)

Life is a lesson. you learn it when you thru.

inside the page

أكمل قراءة الموضوع...

الأربعاء، 15 يوليو 2009

خربشة ... تذكير

By 4:38 م
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هل يمكن ان يتذكر هؤلاء ما قد حل باولائك؟
وكل ذلك بسبب طرف واحد ...
يعود زمن تصميمها الى ايام حرب العراق ...
ان الله يمهل ولا يهمل ...
أكمل قراءة الموضوع...

الأحد، 12 يوليو 2009

waiting ... is a part of the job

By 7:13 م

This wasn't my plan for tonight,,,

no wasn't at all,,but it was a call of duty,,,

we have a social needs that must be filled,,

Any way I accepted a transportation job,,,

to pick and drive,,,

and as a part of this job "not described in the contract" is to wait!!I don't like waiting like that,,,

and I don't recommend it .

it feels like ignored

But let me talk about something else hereI decided to take a tour around till they call. Started my engine and head to...!

Where, no place? Ok just drive and turn around went to a friend chat a little nothing interesting,,,


went to a place to find something turned around ,,, didn't find it


called someone to get something! for someone else, didn't answer,


aha the high way (the fast) drive from end to end , music is on ( don't worry be happy) ,, if the night night on you,,, I'm calling you etc,


my mind was swimming coming and there (jay o 3'ady)

went to ,,, stop !What,,, phone ring !

Pickup time?

No sorry a customer,! NOW?I kill you (didn't discover that till I answered the call) :-( ok!


silence,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,

and ,,,

still silence ,,,!


no stop driving its enough no more till the job Is done,

Ok. Write something

Oh ok, but wait, I am writing!

hhh oh yes you are ... finish it then @&$

ok ok I'm done :)almost,,,

Transportation job ,,, free of charge ;)

There should be a contract right?

Now tell me you,,, what are you doing now,,,
I wish I got the papers and the pen ;-)

To do something special,

Ok in the next job,

No there will be no next job its done I quit,,,

Phone ring!!
Me: yes?
Them :@&$)$&@&@@"""&$&@
me: no I'm kidding not quitting I'm here
them: ...........................
me: hello ? hello?
Nothing there,
I guess this is a part of the job ;)

What a part of a job ;)

In the waiting,,

Inside the page

Life is a lesson. You learn it when you thru.
أكمل قراءة الموضوع...

الجمعة، 10 يوليو 2009

خربشة ... عشوائية

By 8:36 م
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بشكل عشوائي ... اخترتها ...
العينان ليستا غريبتين...
ولكنها عشوائية ..
ويظهر غلاف المذكرة الازرق في اعلى الصورة ...
اعتقد انه غلاف كتاب الكترونات باللغة التركية :)


أكمل قراءة الموضوع...

الأحد، 5 يوليو 2009

خربشة ... قرصان

By 7:11 م
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لو كان وجهه من الجهة الاخرى ... كيف كانت ستبدو الخربشة يا ترى ؟
لا اعتقد انه سيكون هناك اي فرق فهو قرصان ، و القراصنة بشعي المنظر عادة و نتني الرائحة ...
ولكنها فكرتني بايام خبرشتها ...
اذكر كلمة palmers اعتقد انه منتزه في احدى المدن الاوروبية او في مكان ما لم اعد اذكره ...
ولكنا صورة لذلك المنتزه هي التي بدأت هذه الخربشة
أكمل قراءة الموضوع...