من كل شي شوية ... لما كنت انخبرش زمان ... وتوة ... خرابيش

السبت، 17 أكتوبر 2009

Thank you!

By 4:49 م

What a wonderful word…

It's something you expect when you help someone or you give hand or serve someone

It makes you feel appreciated…

And what you have done is accepted

Fill you up with energy to do more

And that shows how polite are the people you're dealing with

It's a good thing...

It's all fine.

But when you thank your self?!!

No one can thank him self for something he done for him selfit can't be!!
No way it can be done right?

Yes it's something not normal at all

cos you don't have to thank your self its you, your selfno thanking between you and your self

No thank you

Don't ever thank your self any more

cos its your self

Thank you...No
i said Thank you!
ok thx